Newborn So tiny, so new. The newborn baby is so sweet and fresh. New to the world these tiny beings are just getting used to being outside the womb. They often curl up exactly as if they were still inside mommy's tummy. This is the time to capture that 'newborn look'...those sweet little expressions...the time between birth and that first smile. Photographing babies of this age on rose blankets or lamb skin is particularly precious. |
3, 4, & 5 Months... At 3 months babies are smiling and holding up their heads pretty well. They easily recognize mommy & daddy and respond to their voices and touch. The 3 month portrait will preserve that time of new awareness. Tummy poses are often the cutest at this age. At 4 & 5 months their personalities begin to emerge, smiles are bigger and more spontaneous. |
6, 7 & 8 Months... By this age baby is usually trying to crawl and sit up. They are cuddly and responsive with a wide range of expressions. This is the age to capture baby with those big smiles, chubby arms and legs. We usually photograph babies of this age propped up in a semi-sitting position while capturing those sweet angelic expressions. |
9, 10, & 11 months... Around the 9- 11 months many babies begin to strike out on their own. They are crawling everywhere, pulling up and trying to walk. It seems everyday your baby is doing something new. This the perfect time to capture your baby's changes. At this age we usually photograph baby sitting up on his/her own while rewarding us with big toothy smiles! |
The 1 Year Old... At one year your baby is gaining more independence as he/she begins to walk. The time between babyhood and becoming a toddler is fast approaching. Parents are often rewarded with delightful smiles, giggles and belly laughs. A life size standing portrait capuring these adorable expressions is a must have for a baby of this age. |
The 2 Year Old... Around age 2 your toddler is usually talking, responding to reason, humor and action while exploring his widening world. Portraits at this age are particularly fun and exciting. You never know quite what to expect. |
The 3 Year Old... Between 3 and 4 years is the cutest and most endearing age for little boys and girls. With the ability to speak and reason growing stronger everyday, these youngsters now display individuality of character and action that should be portrayed before the baby teeth are lost and replaced by permanent ones... forever altering the endearing look of early childhood. |
5-7 Years ... During these years your prince or princess will begin to lose baby teeth. The snaggly tooth age begins around age 6 and ends around age 7. Permanent teeth emerge to change the facial contours and expressions. A developing mind reveals a more mature, inquiring look. Now off to school... portraits at this age can show the special interests that help to define who they are. |
10-12 Years... These are indeed changing times for your youngster. Many physical, emotional and attitude changes are occurring and are becoming more obvious. Portraits at this age can capture your child's sense of style, taste and expanding horizons. |
14-16 Years By age 14 childhood is all but a memory. The boy is almost a man in his interests and thinking. The young girl is blossoming into womanhood feeling all grown up with still a lifetime of growing and learning ahead. With childhood not far behind portraits of this age show many changes and reflections of the future young man or woman they will soon be. |